4 behaviors that may hurt your body in summer

In the summer, the weather is hot and humid. The sky is still dark at 8 pm, and it is light at 5 am. The daytime hours are particularly long and the evening hours are particularly short. This also disrupts our biological clock, which can leave the body systems in a state of disorder and in a state of exhaustion to "cope". Some people will show that they have no energy during the day, poor appetite, and can't sleep at night

The 4 most harmful behaviors in the summer consume youth, youth can not be so tossed.

We need to change the misunderstanding of drinking water, these summer "suicide" behavior, if you can afford, young people can still resist. But if you are over 35 years old, it is recommended that you do not do so.

1. Drink cold drinks immediately after exercise

The summer weather is very hot, when or not need to work, especially rural farming, basically outdoor, full of sweat, many people back home in order to eager to relieve the heat, so immediately from the refrigerator out of cold drinks, or frozen watermelon, Ice pop and other food to eat, young people with strong body conditioning ability may still be able to resist, but after 35 years of age, the physical quality decline will obviously feel uncomfortable, after the age of 50 This can be life-threatening for people after 50. This is undoubtedly a “suicidal” act, so it is important to be aware that young people are actually doing a lot of harm to their bodies and should try to avoid it.

Last summer there was a report of a local farmer who asked four elderly people to pick tobacco for him in the summer and gave them all an Ice pop when they returned, resulting in the deaths of three of them. Young people, especially in sports, such as playing basketball and football, go straight to the kiosk after the game which frozen cold drinks to drink, and some even pour ice water on their heads, which is very dangerous and cannot squander their youth in this way.

Drinking water should be seriously treated, we need to ensure the water we drink is pure and safe. It's necessary for us to install a fridge water filter(such as Dfilters edr1rxd1 water filter and edr3rxd1 water filter )

2. Sweating and wearing wet clothes and blowing on the air conditioning

I used to see a lot of young people like to play outside back, clothes are wet, very hot, in order to quickly cool down, so the air conditioning is turned on very low, or even open to 16 degrees, and some people also stand in front of the air conditioning to blow on the head. This is also very easy to get sick. This is especially true for people who are young. Just sweating our body so the pores are open boss, sweat in the clothes by the cold air conditioning blowing, will quickly cool down, as ice water, stick to our pair of skin, it is easy to headache pores into our body. Moisture invasion, physical discomfort is light, if long-term also easy to cause rheumatism, arthritis and so on. Even young people will also feel significantly uncomfortable, so must pay attention.

3. The summer diet of “ice” and “fire”

The most serious problem in summer is the diet. As the saying goes, ”ice and fire are incompatible”, but in summer our diet is often “ice” and “fire” compatible. Don’t say you haven’t had it, like eating a barbecue and drinking a cold beer.

I remember in the old days, in the summer, at night, the streets were full of barbecues and snacks, and business was particularly hot, and late at night there were even more people, even until 3-4 am before the stalls closed, and there were some art sellers, blowing, pulling, playing and singing; the residents living nearby were also deeply persecuted, and there was no place to complain. Summer nights, eating late, drinking beer and jerking kebabs have become a lifestyle of ice and fire, and being young is not such a compromise.

4.Late to bed and early to rise

Especially in big cities along the coast, summer nights are basically nocturnal, even if it’s nine to five working hours, it’s also very chaotic, especially for young people who are not married, because the night basically to 8:00 after the day began to dark, 5:00 after work feels like noon, often go to play, eat late-night snacks, K songs, bubble bars, etc. This is how the city of nocturnal is formed. People are already considered to go to bed very early, and often play until the early hours of the morning, and go to bed and look at their phones. And the daytime hours are particularly long, but you are not energetic, work kind of feeling is in the boiling time, no quality, efficiency is also very low. This is undoubtedly all eating youthfulness, which people of an older age generally don’t, and the occasional social function is time controlled.


What I want to express here is that we do not have to be responsible for anyone, but we must be responsible for ourselves, and our consumption of youth will certainly be paid for by ourselves; vigorous energy should be reflected by enthusiasm for work and full of spirit, and enthusiasm for life should be more about the pursuit and advancement of ideas.

All of the above behaviors are very harmful to the body, so be sure to change them if you have them. If you don’t, congratulations!